I like to mess around with my own book database, which for now is developed using a MySQL database (using the superior MariaDB) and Laravel (a PHP MVC framework). I have it running “in production” on a Raspberry Pi using Apache. If you also want an AMP (Apache, MySQL & PHP) stack on your Raspberry Pi, read on!
In the summer of 2021 the company I work for, Polteq challenged us. They gave us a Raspberry Pi 3 (with a custom case, power cord and SD card) and told us to explore a new solution using the Raspberry Pi at our home, exploit this using knowledge of our own, our colleagues or the internet, and deliver and manage this solution, both the technology itself and sharing what we’ve done. This is the first of several blogpost detailing my submission for this challenge. I’ll be setting up my…
If you want pretty system info from a Unix based terminal (Linux, OSX), you can use Neofetch.